Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fabric Wreath

Recently a friend of mine left for basic training for the Army. I decided that as a Christmas gift, I was going to give his mom a wreath for their front door. I had come across this idea a while back and shared with my friend (and Im pretty sure long lost twin) Andrea. Luckily, she got to making it before I did so I was able to ask her for a few tips. THANKS ANDREA!!!

This is not my finished product for this gift since I still need to add ribbons, bows and a name tape. But I wanted to get the basic main idea of how to make this wreath up on the blog as fast as I could in case anybody else wanted to make these as a gift as well. As with most of my projects this is VERY easy to do. Just a little time consuming ( I took a few breaks during the process)

Supplies Needed:
Foam wreath (got mine at Hobby Lobby)
Fabric (I cut up an old Army uniform of my husbands. WARNING! Those things are NOT meant to be cut and I ended up with a few blisters on my hands to prove it)
Hot Glue gun and glue sticks

First cut your fabric in to strips
Next, dab a little dot of hot glue on to the wreath and place the fabric on the glue. Take your screwdriver and push the fabric in to the wreath. You can twist it a little bit to change the look up.

This is what you should have after the first piece is done.
Do this around the wreath until you are done. You dont have to keep the pieces too close together, just enough to fill the wreath. I left the stryofoam on mine green since it went with the colors of the uniform. If you are going to be using different fabrics, I recommend spray painting the styrofoam first to match with the fabric.
And the (almost) finished product!!!

I will try and update this entry once I am completely finished with it.


1 comment:

  1. Looks awesome girly! I'm so glad you came up with the idea and that we were able to share pointers! The fabric is too heavy to do a traditional fabric wreath so the glue gun is a must!
